
MyMT - Menopause Practitioner Certification
My Menopause Transformation Certification Course: July 2023
Professional training & certification program.
Understanding and supporting the physical, hormonal, and emotional changes of women throughout the stages of change. Not only during menopause, but also perimenopause and post-menopause, as needs change while the body is shifting into the 3 stages.
Lifestyle strategies: evidence-based lifestyle strategies to manage menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, mood swings, and weight gain.

National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching
National Board Certification: Dec. 2020

Functional Nutrition Lab, Digestive Intensive
Reframe Nutrition, Digestive Intensive Certification: March 2017
Professional training & certification program.
Curriculum concentration on functional nutrition and the digestive system.
Studied anatomy, physiology and functions of the digestive system
In depth look at warning signs and digestive triggers.
Trained in healthy gut relationship to healthy immune system and autoimmune symptom reduction.

Institute for Integrative Nutrition (New York, NY)
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Certification: Dec. 2015
Professional training & certification program.
Curriculum concentration: holistic approach to health and wellness. Importance of nourishing yourself through not only nutrition, but multiple areas of life, such as: relationships, career, physical activity, spirituality.
Studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with many of the world’s top health and wellness experts.
Intensive Practicum - studied in depth; coaching foundations, creating awareness along with inspiring change, and supporting the change process.

Eastern Michigan University (Ypsilanti, MI)
Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing: Dec. 2000